JENerational Change is transforming politics into service. In 2020, Jen Perelman ran for Congress against Debbie Wasserman Schultz based on the premise that congressional representation should be treated as a term of public service, not a lifelong career. JENerational Change spotlights other candidates who challenge entrenched incumbents, regardless of their party affiliation. We speak with activists, journalists, comedians, and other public figures who seek to make a positive change for their community. Your patronage ensures that can continue building awareness for insurgent campaigns that seek to chip away at the political establishment!
Monday Jun 14, 2021
Monday Jun 14, 2021
Nick (Socialist MMA) is a Co-Founder of Fred Hampton Leftists, Ten Demands, and a Board Member of National RCV. His writing and content focuses on leftist policy through the lens of the working class.
✊🏿Fred Hampton Leftists Website:
✊🏿Fred Hampton Leftists YouTube:
🥋Nick's Twitter: @SocialistMMA
🥋Nick's YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPnt...
🥋Nick's Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/FlyThaiMMA
🥋Nick's CashApp: SocialistMMA
🟣PATREON: patreon.com/JENerationalChange
🟣CASHAPP: $JenPerelman
🟣PAYPAL: https://paypal.me/jenerationalchange?locale.x=en_US
☀️ WEBSITE: JenerationalChange.com
☀️ PATREON: patreon.com/JENerationalChange
Sunday Jun 06, 2021
Sunday Jun 06, 2021
🟣PATREON: patreon.com/JENerationalChange
🟣CASHAPP: $JenPerelman
🟣PAYPAL: https://paypal.me/jenerationalchange?...
☀️ WEBSITE: JenerationalChange.com
☀️ PATREON: patreon.com/JENerationalChange
Sunday Jun 06, 2021
Sunday Jun 06, 2021
Margaret Kimberley is a New York-based writer and activist for peace and justice issues.
Dr. Cornel West has called her “one of the few great truth tellers who, along with Glen Ford, Adolph Reed, Jr. and Bruce Dixon, preserved her integrity during the Obama years.” She has been an editor and senior columnist for Black Agenda Report since its inception in 2006. Her work has appeared in the Dallas Morning News, Consortium News, American Herald Tribune and CounterPunch. She is a contributor to the anthology In Defense of Julian Assange. She is a graduate of Williams College and lives in New York City.
In her new book "Prejudential: Black America and the Presidents," Margaret explores America's relationship with race and black Americans through the lens of the presidents who have been elected to represent all of its people.
✒️ Margaret's Twitter: @freedomrideblog
✒️ Black Agenda Report: BlackAgendaReport.com
✒️ Margaret's Book: http://steerforth.com/titles/prejuden...
Sean Kiernan is the CEO of Weed for Warriors, a social justice lifestyle brand supporting holistic rehabilitation for veterans through community-based projects, proactive care advocacy, cannabis education and compassion.
The Weed for Warriors Project aims to give veterans the freedom to use medical marijuana as a recognized medical alternative to harmful psychiatric drugs without any discrimination or unjust actions against the individual.
🌿Sean's Twitter: @SeanKiernan_WFW
🌿Weed for Warriors Website: wfwproject.org
🟣PATREON: patreon.com/JENerationalChange
🟣CASHAPP: $JenPerelman
🟣PAYPAL: https://paypal.me/jenerationalchange?locale.x=en_US
☀️ WEBSITE: JenerationalChange.com
☀️ PATREON: patreon.com/JENerationalChange
Sunday May 23, 2021
Sunday May 23, 2021
#Overpopulation #ClimateChange #ThePopulationBomb
Paul R. Ehrlich is an American biologist known for his warnings about the consequences of population growth and limited resources. He is the Bing Professor Emeritus of Population Studies of the Department of Biology of Stanford University, the President of Stanford's Center for Conservation Biology, and the President of the Millennium Alliance for Humanity and the Biosphere.
Ehrlich became well known for his 1968 book The Population Bomb, which warned of the perils of overpopulation: mass starvation, societal upheaval, and environmental deterioration. At the time, the book was criticized for painting an overly dark picture of the future. Ehrlich has acknowledged that some of what he predicted has not occurred, but maintains that his predictions about disease and climate change were essentially correct and that human overpopulation is a major problem.
The global population has more than DOUBLED since Ehrlich published his book in 1968. As climate change becomes an increasingly more serious threat, should we make efforts to curb the growth of our global population? Or is distribution of resources the real issue at hand?
Tune in to find out, and be prepared with questions for our Q&A segment!
🌐Paul's Twitter: @PaulREhrlich
🌐Millennium Alliance for Humanity and the Biosphere: https://mahb.stanford.edu/
🌐The Population Bomb Full Text: https://staff.washington.edu/jhannah/geog270aut07/readings/population/Ehrlich%20-%20Population%20Bomb%20Ch1.pdf
🟣Patreon: patreon.com/JENerationalChange
🟣CashApp: $JenPerelman
🟣PayPal: https://paypal.me/jenerationalchange?locale.x=en_US
Check out our Patreon for more!
☀️ patreon.com/JENerationalChange
☀️ WEBSITE: JenerationalChange.com
☀️ PATREON: patreon.com/JENerationalChange
Tuesday May 18, 2021
Tuesday May 18, 2021
Marianne Williamson is a bestselling author, non-profit and political activist, and spiritual thought leader.
For over three decades Marianne has been a leader in spiritual and religiously progressive circles. She is the author of 14 books, four of which have been #1 New York Times best sellers. A quote from the mega best seller A Return to Love, “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure…” is considered an anthem for a contemporary generation of seekers.
Williamson founded Project Angel Food, a non-profit that has delivered more than 13 million meals to ill and dying homebound patients since 1989. The group was created to help people suffering from the ravages of HIV/AIDS. She has also worked throughout her career on poverty, anti-hunger and racial reconciliation issues. She has advocated for reparations for slavery since the 1990’s and was the first candidate in the 2020 presidential primary season to make it a pillar of her campaign. In 2004, she co-founded The Peace Alliance and supports the creation of a U.S. Department of Peace. In addition, she advocates for a cabinet level Department of Children and Youth to adequately address the chronic trauma of millions of American children.
Marianne is a native of Houston, Texas.
Marianne is very active on her social media platforms ~ Join the Conversation!
🔮Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/williamsonmarianne
🔮Twitter: @marwilliamson
🔮Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mariannewilliamson/
🔮YouTube: www.youtube.com/user/MarianneWilliamson
Websites of Interest
Books of Interest A POLITICS OF LOVE: A Handbook for a New American Revolution Available at the following locations, among others:
📚BARNES & NOBLE: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/a-politics-of-love-marianne-williamson/1128745899
📚INDIE BOUND: https://www.indiebound.org/book/9780062873934
📚A Full List of Marianne’s Books: https://marianne.com/books/
🟣Patreon: patreon.com/JENerationalChange
🟣CashApp: $JenPerelman
🟣PayPal: https://paypal.me/jenerationalchange?locale.x=en_US
Check out our Patreon for more!
☀️ patreon.com/JENerationalChange
☀️ WEBSITE: JenerationalChange.com
☀️ PATREON: patreon.com/JENerationalChange
Monday May 17, 2021
Jen's 50th Birthday | Mike Figuredo & Lauren Ashcraft
Monday May 17, 2021
Monday May 17, 2021
Jen is turning 50! Come celebrate with us this Thursday from 9:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m. EDT. We'll be joined by dozens of guests throughout the evening (both old and new) who you DEFINITELY won't want to miss.
Our goal is to raise enough money for 50 JenCorps care packs that will include health, safety, and wellness items for our local homeless population. It costs $20 to sponsor a pack. If we meet our goal, your support will also help us expand various other local projects such as community gardens, beach clean ups, food distributions, and more!
🟣Patreon: patreon.com/JENerationalChange
🟣CashApp: $JenPerelman
🟣PayPal: https://paypal.me/jenerationalchange?locale.x=en_US
Check out our Patreon for more!
☀️ patreon.com/JENerationalChange
☀️ WEBSITE: JenerationalChange.com
☀️ PATREON: patreon.com/JENerationalChange
Saturday May 15, 2021
Saturday May 15, 2021
Jen is turning 50! Come celebrate with us this Thursday from 9:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m. EDT. We'll be joined by dozens of guests throughout the evening (both old and new) who you DEFINITELY won't want to miss.
Our goal is to raise enough money for 50 JenCorps care packs that will include health, safety, and wellness items for our local homeless population. It costs $20 to sponsor a pack. If we meet our goal, your support will also help us expand various other local projects such as community gardens, beach clean ups, food distributions, and more!
🟣 Patreon: patreon.com/JENerationalChange
🟣 CashApp: $JenPerelman
🟣 PayPal: https://paypal.me/jenerationalchange?locale.x=en_US
Check out our Patreon for more!
☀️ patreon.com/JENerationalChange
☀️ WEBSITE: JenerationalChange.com
☀️ PATREON: patreon.com/JENerationalChange
Tuesday May 11, 2021
Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick is Poised to Represent FL-20 with Courage & Integrity
Tuesday May 11, 2021
Tuesday May 11, 2021
Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick is a candidate for U.S. Congress to represent Florida's 20th District in the special election to fill Alcee Hastings' seat. She is the only candidate in the race who attempted to unseat Rep. Hastings while he was still alive.
In 2018, Sheila became the first Haitian American woman to run for Congress in Broward and Palm Beach County. She was part of a national movement of women committed to taking back the House of Representatives for working families. Although she did not win the Primary, Sheila made history when she secured close to 30% of the votes within 3 months from a 26-year incumbent and only spent $30k.
Sheila is one of the Founding members of the Cherfilus & McCormick Foundation, whose mission is to empower the community through initiatives, education, service, scholarship opportunities, and leadership training. In 2019, she was recognized as Miramar’s Progressive Woman of the Year.
🌴Sheila's Website: SheilaForCongress.com
🌴Sheila's Twitter: @Sheila4Congress
Check out our Patreon for more!
☀️ patreon.com/JENerationalChange
☀️ WEBSITE: JenerationalChange.com
☀️ PATREON: patreon.com/JENerationalChange
Friday May 07, 2021
Spreading Love & Hope to Combat Hate | A Discussion with Tank Schottle
Friday May 07, 2021
Friday May 07, 2021
Derek "Tank" Schottle is a Special Olympics Athlete who plays softball, volleyball, basketball, track, and golf.
He's a nationally recognized advocate for the Special Olympics and anti-bullying. He regularly gives speeches about love and hope. During Trump's presidency, Tank fought for the Special Olympics when former Education Secretary Betsy DeVos threatened to halt funding for the organization in 2019.
🏅Tank's Twitter: @TankSchottle
Check out our Patreon for more!
☀️ patreon.com/JENerationalChange
☀️ WEBSITE: JenerationalChange.com
☀️ PATREON: patreon.com/JENerationalChange
Tuesday May 04, 2021
Tuesday May 04, 2021
#ClimateChange #FloridaPolitics #MilitaryIndustrialComplex
Nick Buxton is a communications specialist with 25 years of experience in the non-profit international development and environmental sustainability sector.
He is the co-editor and co-writer of The Secure and the Dispossessed: How the Military and Corporations Are Shaping a Climate-Changed World, which shows how the military and corporations plan to maintain control in a world reshaped by climate change.
⌛Nick's Website: NickBuxton.info
⌛Nick's Twitter: @nickbuxton
Laura Hill is a candidate for North Miami City Council District 3. As a candidate, her focus is on the environment, human rights, migrant and immigration rights, advocacy, and the dignity of human beings. She has worked with the United Farm Workers, the Fair Housing Coalition, UniteHERE Labor Union, and numerous immigration relief organizations.
🌴Laura's Website: Laura-Hill.com
🌴Laura's Instagram: @laurahillfordistrict3
Check out our Patreon for more!
☀️ patreon.com/JENerationalChange
☀️ WEBSITE: JenerationalChange.com
☀️ PATREON: patreon.com/JENerationalChange