JENerational Change is transforming politics into service. In 2020, Jen Perelman ran for Congress against Debbie Wasserman Schultz based on the premise that congressional representation should be treated as a term of public service, not a lifelong career. JENerational Change spotlights other candidates who challenge entrenched incumbents, regardless of their party affiliation. We speak with activists, journalists, comedians, and other public figures who seek to make a positive change for their community. Your patronage ensures that can continue building awareness for insurgent campaigns that seek to chip away at the political establishment!
Friday Apr 30, 2021
Friday Apr 30, 2021
Omari Hardy is a native South Floridian, affordable housing advocate, and Florida Representative for District 88. He is running in the special election for U.S. Congress in FL-20, which covers most of the majority-black precincts in and around Fort Lauderdale and West Palm Beach.
Omari is running on a bold progressive platform. He supports:
*Medicare for All. Besides assuring “every person in the country has health care,” Hardy said it would save money by taking insurance companies out of the system. “These insurance companies are just profiteers off of something that should never be subject to the profit motive. Health care is a human right.”
*The Green New Deal. He defines it as “a new deal for working class people that uses climate change, the biggest challenge of our lifetimes, to restructure the American economy so that it works for working class people … and that includes people of color.”
As a State Representative, Omari has introduced legislation to overhaul policing with new civilian oversight of law enforcement and corrections agencies and employees. He’s also criticized the sugar industry, one of the worst polluters in the State of Florida.
🌴DONATE TO OMARI: https://secure.numero.ai/contribute/OmariHardy
🌴Omari's Website: OmariHardy.com
🌴Omari's Twitter: @OmariJHardy
🌴Omari's Instagram: @OmariHardy
Check out our Patreon for more!
☀️ patreon.com/JENerationalChange
☀️ WEBSITE: JenerationalChange.com
☀️ PATREON: patreon.com/JENerationalChange
Tuesday Apr 27, 2021
Tuesday Apr 27, 2021
Angelo Castillo is a Cuban born American raised in New York City who has served as an executive in the Koch, Dinkins, Giuliani, Cuomo, and Pataki administrations in New York.
He was named director of US HUD’s Florida State Office of Community Planning and Development in 1996, and Director of Human Services for Broward County in 1998, where he was responsible for a $250 million budget with 1,200 staff. He returned to US HUD as Deputy State Coordinator for Florida in 2000. From 2003 until joining Sheriff Israel’s command staff in 2013, he served as President and CEO of non-profit corporation. He also served as an adjunct professor at St. Thomas University’s Graduate School of Management.
In 2004, Angelo Castillo was elected to the Pembroke Pines City Commission, becoming the first Hispanic American elected to serve on the City Commission in 30 years. He has since served as Vice Mayor of four times. Commissioner Castillo has served as a member of the Broward County Charter Review Commission, is a former Chair and current member of the Broward County Planning Council, the Broward MPO, and the Broward County Tourist Development Council. Other board experience includes board member emeritus Hispanic Unity of Florida, Broward County Juvenile Justice Board, Broward County Health Facilities Authority, Family Central, and Women in Distress boards of directors.
Angelo is a self-described moderate who believes that “government works for us, not the other way around.”
🌊Angelo's Website: AngeloCastillo.com
🌊Angelo's Facebook: @AngeloCastilloforPines
Check out our Patreon for more!
☀️ patreon.com/JENerationalChange
☀️ WEBSITE: JenerationalChange.com
☀️ PATREON: patreon.com/JENerationalChange
Friday Apr 23, 2021
Celebrating EARTH DAY with Lauren Ashcraft, Host of Biting Commentary
Friday Apr 23, 2021
Friday Apr 23, 2021
Lauren Ashcraft is a community advocate, comedian, and democratic socialist.
She ran a 100% grassroots campaign for District 12-NY, which covers portions of Brooklyn and Manhattan. Lauren says that she "became radicalized by working in the private sector in New York City," where she "realized that capitalism is socialism for corporations and billionaires." Lauren was on the Brand New Congress 2020 slate alongside Jen.
Lauren now hosts Biting Commentary, a new YouTube show about politics, culture, and life.
🌎Lauren's Twitter: @VoteAshcraft
🌎Biting Commentary: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoTWggjXZxa3QETXHCMsPZw
Check out our Patreon for more!
☀️ patreon.com/JENerationalChange
☀️ WEBSITE: JenerationalChange.com
☀️ PATREON: patreon.com/JENerationalChange
Wednesday Apr 21, 2021
Wednesday Apr 21, 2021
Elijah Manley is a 22-year old organizer running for the Florida House of Representatives in District 94, which covers Wilton Manors and Plantation. He currently serves as President of the Democratic Progressive Caucus of Broward County.
Elijah Manley was born in Fort Lauderdale and raised in low income public housing. He attended Broward County’s public schools where he began working as a community organizer. He started attending school board and commission meetings in middle school, where he spoke up about the issues impacting his community. In his senior year, he took what he learned as a community organizer and ran for the Broward County School Board, at age 19, amassing 43k votes. Elijah is the youngest person to ever seek public office in Florida's history.
🌴Elijah's Twitter: @iElijahManley
🌴Elijah's Website: ElijahManley.com
🌴Democratic Progressive Caucus of Broward County: facebook.com/browardprogressives
Check out our Patreon for more!
☀️ patreon.com/JENerationalChange
☀️ WEBSITE: JenerationalChange.com
☀️ PATREON: patreon.com/JENerationalChange
Saturday Apr 17, 2021
Saturday Apr 17, 2021
Wendell Potter is a whistleblower and reformed insurance propagandist.
For fifteen years, Wendell worked for Cigna, where he lead the company’s corporate communications team and served as chief corporate spokesperson. He also represented Cigna on several industry committees and task forces, including the strategic communications committee at the industry’s largest PR and lobbying group, America’s Health Insurance Plans.
After seeing firsthand how strategic PR and lobbying is used unfairly to tilt the scales toward corporate interests against the people’s interests, Wendell left his corporate career to advocate for meaningful health care reform. He made headlines in 2009 when he disclosed in Congressional testimony how insurance companies, as part of their efforts to boost profits, have contributed to spiraling health care costs and the growing number of Americans without health insurance. He also revealed how insurance companies use their customers’ premiums to wage multi-million dollar PR and lobbying campaigns to influence public opinion and public policy. Since then, he has spoken at more than 200 public forums and authored the award-winning book, Deadly Spin, An Insurance Company Insider Speaks Out on How Corporate PR Is Killing Health Care and Deceiving Americans. His latest offering is an eBook entitled, Obamacare: What’s in for Me? What Everyone Needs to Know about the Affordable Care Act.
In 2017, Wendell launched Tarbell.org, a non-partisan news publication with the mission is to provide objective, investigative reporting on hard hitting topics effecting Americans. In 2019, Wendell became the president of Business for Medicare for All and Medicare for All NOW!
💊Wendell's Twitter: @WendellPotter
💊Wendell's Website: WendellPotterConsulting.com
💊Wendell's Books: WendellPotterConsulting.com/Books
Check out our Patreon for more!
☀️ patreon.com/JENerationalChange
☀️ WEBSITE: JenerationalChange.com
☀️ PATREON: patreon.com/JENerationalChange
Saturday Apr 03, 2021
Josh Hamilton | Brexit: The Establishment Civil War
Saturday Apr 03, 2021
Saturday Apr 03, 2021
Josh Hamilton is a graduate of Queen’s University Belfast who founded The Jist and is host of the podcast Chatter, an interview podcast covering politics, culture, and society.
Brexit: The Establishment Civil War is his first book, a case study of how social media is disrupting our democracy.
🇬🇧 Josh's Twitter: @Give_Me_TheJist
🇬🇧 The Jist: TheJist.co.uk
🇬🇧 Brexit: The Establishment Civil War: https://www.amazon.com/Brexit-Establishment-Civil-Josh-Hamilton/dp/1789044901
Check out our Patreon for more!
☀️ patreon.com/JENerationalChange
☀️ WEBSITE: JenerationalChange.com
☀️ PATREON: patreon.com/JENerationalChange
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
Steve Grumbine is one of the world's most effective public educators on Modern Monetary Theory (MMT).
MMT, which suggests that deficit spending (private sector surplus) is actually a good thing, dramatically redefines our understanding of how the U.S. government can address issues like climate change, infrastructure, healthcare, and homelessness.
Steve is the founder of the Real Progressives Network and hosts the Macro N' Cheese podcast.
💵 Steve's Twitter: @sdgrumbine
💵 Steve's Patreon: patreon.com/realprogressives
💵Steve's Website: action.realprogressives.org
Check out our Patreon for more!
☀️ patreon.com/JENerationalChange
☀️ WEBSITE: JenerationalChange.com
☀️ PATREON: patreon.com/JENerationalChange
Thursday Mar 25, 2021
#FreeAssange Telethon | Chris Hedges and Margaret Kimberley
Thursday Mar 25, 2021
Thursday Mar 25, 2021
#FreeAssange #FreeAssangeTelethon
1:45-2:00 p.m. ET: Nathan Fuller of the Assange Defense Committee
2:00-3:00 p.m. ET: John Kiriakou, Medea Benjamin, and Kevin Gosztola
3:00-4:00 p.m. ET: Lee Camp, Rania Khalek, and Ron Placone
4:00-5:00 p.m. ET: Justin Jackson, Kate Willett, and Jordan Chariton
5:00-6:00 p.m. ET: Norman Solomon, Marjorie Cohn, and Shahid Buttar
6:00-7:00 p.m. ET: Chris Hedges & Margaret Kimberley
📞 Directory of Representatives: house.gov/representatives
📞 Department of Justice Comment Line: 202-353-1555
📞 Senate Switchboard: 202-224-3121
Hello, my name is [NAME] and I’m calling from [CITY]. I’m calling to ask that the United States drop its case against Julian Assange. I’m deeply concerned about the potential ramifications that prosecuting a journalist for exposing American war crimes will have on our civil liberties.
Joe Biden promised that he would end Trump’s attacks on the press, yet his administration has indicated that it will continue to seek Assange’s extradition for the crime of publishing truthful information. The prosecution of Assange creates a dangerous precedent that will prevent journalists from holding our government accountable.
Please protect our First Amendment and drop the case against Assange immediately.
Thank you for your time.
✉️ Department of Justice Email Form: https://www.justice.gov/doj/webform/your-message-department-justice
My name is [NAME] and I’m writing from [CITY]. I’m writing to ask that the United States drop its case against Julian Assange. I’m deeply concerned about the potential ramifications that prosecuting a journalist for exposing American war crimes will have on our civil liberties.
As you know, President Obama’s Justice Department decided not to extradite Assange on the grounds that what he did is protected by the First Amendment. Joe Biden promised that he would end Trump’s extraordinary attacks on the press, yet his administration has indicated that it will continue to seek Assange’s extradition for the crime of publishing truthful information.
If President Biden follows through on this unprecedented assault on our constitutional rights, I believe that it will establish a dangerous standard that can be used to target and subdue journalists from holding our government accountable. Furthermore, as the ACLU has noted, “prosecuting a foreign publisher for violating U.S. secrecy laws would set an especially dangerous precedent for U.S. journalists, who routinely violate foreign secrecy laws to deliver information vital to the public's interest.”
The freedom to practice adversarial journalism is one of our most sacred American rights, and the prosecution of Julian Assange will directly undermine the purpose of our First Amendment.
Please drop your case against Assange immediately.
For more ways to help Julian, please visit: AssangeDefense.org
☀️ WEBSITE: JenerationalChange.com
☀️ TWITTER & INSTAGRAM: @jenfl23
☀️ PATREON: patreon.com/JENerationalChange
"In a time of universal deceit — telling the truth is a revolutionary act." George Orwell
Thursday Mar 25, 2021
#FreeAssange Telethon | Norman Solomon, Marjorie Cohn, and Shahid Buttar
Thursday Mar 25, 2021
Thursday Mar 25, 2021
#FreeAssange #FreeAssangeTelethon
1:45-2:00 p.m. ET: Nathan Fuller of the Assange Defense Committee
2:00-3:00 p.m. ET: John Kiriakou, Medea Benjamin, and Kevin Gosztola
3:00-4:00 p.m. ET: Lee Camp, Rania Khalek, and Ron Placone
4:00-5:00 p.m. ET: Justin Jackson, Kate Willett, and Jordan Chariton
5:00-6:00 p.m. ET: Norman Solomon, Marjorie Cohn, and Shahid Buttar
6:00-7:00 p.m. ET: Chris Hedges & Margaret Kimberley
📞 Directory of Representatives: house.gov/representatives
📞 Department of Justice Comment Line: 202-353-1555
📞 Senate Switchboard: 202-224-3121
Hello, my name is [NAME] and I’m calling from [CITY]. I’m calling to ask that the United States drop its case against Julian Assange. I’m deeply concerned about the potential ramifications that prosecuting a journalist for exposing American war crimes will have on our civil liberties.
Joe Biden promised that he would end Trump’s attacks on the press, yet his administration has indicated that it will continue to seek Assange’s extradition for the crime of publishing truthful information. The prosecution of Assange creates a dangerous precedent that will prevent journalists from holding our government accountable.
Please protect our First Amendment and drop the case against Assange immediately.
Thank you for your time.
✉️ Department of Justice Email Form: https://www.justice.gov/doj/webform/your-message-department-justice
My name is [NAME] and I’m writing from [CITY]. I’m writing to ask that the United States drop its case against Julian Assange. I’m deeply concerned about the potential ramifications that prosecuting a journalist for exposing American war crimes will have on our civil liberties.
As you know, President Obama’s Justice Department decided not to extradite Assange on the grounds that what he did is protected by the First Amendment. Joe Biden promised that he would end Trump’s extraordinary attacks on the press, yet his administration has indicated that it will continue to seek Assange’s extradition for the crime of publishing truthful information.
If President Biden follows through on this unprecedented assault on our constitutional rights, I believe that it will establish a dangerous standard that can be used to target and subdue journalists from holding our government accountable. Furthermore, as the ACLU has noted, “prosecuting a foreign publisher for violating U.S. secrecy laws would set an especially dangerous precedent for U.S. journalists, who routinely violate foreign secrecy laws to deliver information vital to the public's interest.”
The freedom to practice adversarial journalism is one of our most sacred American rights, and the prosecution of Julian Assange will directly undermine the purpose of our First Amendment.
Please drop your case against Assange immediately.
For more ways to help Julian, please visit: AssangeDefense.org
☀️ WEBSITE: JenerationalChange.com
☀️ TWITTER & INSTAGRAM: @jenfl23
☀️ PATREON: patreon.com/JENerationalChange
"In a time of universal deceit — telling the truth is a revolutionary act." George Orwell
Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
#FreeAssange Telethon | Justin Jackson, Kate Willett, and Jordan Chariton
Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
#FreeAssange #FreeAssangeTelethon
1:45-2:00 p.m. ET: Nathan Fuller of the Assange Defense Committee
2:00-3:00 p.m. ET: John Kiriakou, Medea Benjamin, and Kevin Gosztola
3:00-4:00 p.m. ET: Lee Camp, Rania Khalek, and Ron Placone
4:00-5:00 p.m. ET: Justin Jackson, Kate Willett, and Jordan Chariton
5:00-6:00 p.m. ET: Norman Solomon, Marjorie Cohn, and Shahid Buttar
6:00-7:00 p.m. ET: Chris Hedges & Margaret Kimberley
📞 Directory of Representatives: house.gov/representatives
📞 Department of Justice Comment Line: 202-353-1555
📞 Senate Switchboard: 202-224-3121
Hello, my name is [NAME] and I’m calling from [CITY]. I’m calling to ask that the United States drop its case against Julian Assange. I’m deeply concerned about the potential ramifications that prosecuting a journalist for exposing American war crimes will have on our civil liberties.
Joe Biden promised that he would end Trump’s attacks on the press, yet his administration has indicated that it will continue to seek Assange’s extradition for the crime of publishing truthful information. The prosecution of Assange creates a dangerous precedent that will prevent journalists from holding our government accountable.
Please protect our First Amendment and drop the case against Assange immediately.
Thank you for your time.
✉️ Department of Justice Email Form: https://www.justice.gov/doj/webform/your-message-department-justice
My name is [NAME] and I’m writing from [CITY]. I’m writing to ask that the United States drop its case against Julian Assange. I’m deeply concerned about the potential ramifications that prosecuting a journalist for exposing American war crimes will have on our civil liberties.
As you know, President Obama’s Justice Department decided not to extradite Assange on the grounds that what he did is protected by the First Amendment. Joe Biden promised that he would end Trump’s extraordinary attacks on the press, yet his administration has indicated that it will continue to seek Assange’s extradition for the crime of publishing truthful information.
If President Biden follows through on this unprecedented assault on our constitutional rights, I believe that it will establish a dangerous standard that can be used to target and subdue journalists from holding our government accountable. Furthermore, as the ACLU has noted, “prosecuting a foreign publisher for violating U.S. secrecy laws would set an especially dangerous precedent for U.S. journalists, who routinely violate foreign secrecy laws to deliver information vital to the public's interest.”
The freedom to practice adversarial journalism is one of our most sacred American rights, and the prosecution of Julian Assange will directly undermine the purpose of our First Amendment.
Please drop your case against Assange immediately.
For more ways to help Julian, please visit: AssangeDefense.org
☀️ WEBSITE: JenerationalChange.com
☀️ TWITTER & INSTAGRAM: @jenfl23
☀️ PATREON: patreon.com/JENerationalChange
"In a time of universal deceit — telling the truth is a revolutionary act." George Orwell